Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Art of Making Lemonade: $5 for Jordyn's 5th Birthday

Dear Jordy-Bug,

Here it is, three days before your 5th birthday. What a surreal place to be. Five is a milestone and such an exciting time for kiddos because it means kindergarten in the fall. Well, for most people it does. For us, it probably means avoiding Facebook "First day of Kindergarten!" posts and elementary schools in general. You're not going to kindergarten. You're not getting your graduation picture taken in preschool this year or walking in a ceremony with a construction paper diploma tied in a neat little bow. This fall we're not walking you to your classroom to meet your new teacher or unpack your new purple backpack stuffed with freshly purchased supplies in the cubby labeled "Jordyn." No backpack. No supplies. No cubby. NO. KINDERGARTEN.

For the most part, I think we do a pretty good job of avoiding the wallowing that comes with losing a child, but sometimes...sometimes it's too much. 

Kindergarten is too much. 

When the weight of losing you gets this heavy, I think about a line from the pilot of a TV show we watch called This Is Us. An elderly doctor counsels a newly bereaved young father and says, "I like to think that one day you'll be an old man like me talkin' a young man's ear off explainin' to him how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade." And I remember that I want to be the one making sweet lemonade, not licking my wounds that are drenched in the stinging, acidic juice of the lemons.

As you may know, Mommy started a ministry at Rooftop Church in 2014 with a couple of other struggling mamas. We call it Missing Pieces. It's a safe, comfortable place for women who feel like they're missing pieces of their family due to infant loss, pregnancy loss, and/or infertility to come for hope and encouragement. Daddy and I also help raise money for Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support and for Mercy Heartprints, two organizations that helped us when we were in the excruciatingly painful early stages of our journey without you on earth. Last year on your birthday, we began giving a classroom gift to the teacher(s) who likely would have had you in their classes. We plan to continue this throughout elementary school and possibly beyond. These are some of the first small steps we've taken toward making something resembling lemonade from our loss.

An additional step that Mommy and her friends Elizabeth, Jane, and Erica are taking involves teaming up with a ministry from Kansas City to provide another avenue of encouragement and hope to women in similar situations. The nonprofit group is called Lullaby of Hope. Its mission is very similar to that of Missing Pieces, but it accomplishes it through a tangible gift box for each struggling mom that is tailored to her specific situation and needs. There is a Hope Gift Box
for women journeying through infertility, a Peace Gift Box for pregnancy loss, and a Butterfly Gift Box for pregnancy loss. Each box contains an uplifting book, a key chain for the Daddy, a bracelet for the Mommy, some treats, and a handwritten note from me or one of the other women in the ministry letting the recipient know that she is loved, she is going to survive this pain, and she is not alone. Each box is completely free of cost to the recipient and the person requesting it, but it costs us $25 to create and ship. LOH relies on fundraising to cover our expenses. So, here is my plea for your birthday, sweet girl...

 Please help us make lemonade this March and donate $5 (or more) HERE. Also, if you know of anyone in need of such a gift box, please feel free to request a box using the links provided above. 
These are our birthday gifts to you, Jordyn. Pray that family and friends are willing and able to help. You deserve it...and so do the parents who are about to journey through the most gut wrenching time of their lives.

Have the happiest birthday yet, big 5-year-old! We love you!
On March 14, 2012, I gave birth to Jordyn, the most beautiful baby girl ever. During delivery, however, she was deprived of oxygen. We lived with her in the NICU for two weeks, loving her, holding her, reading to her, singing to her, bathing her, changing her diapers, styling her full head of dark brown hair, praying over her, and sharing her with friends and family, until she went home to Jesus on March 28, 2012. These are my love letters to Jordyn Tyse-Dallas "TD" Sander; our little Jordy-Bug.